Estonian Kringel or A Really Delicious Chocolate Yeast Cake

I only had to take a look at this picture of an Estonian Kringel to decide that it had to be good. 

I've changed the recipe slightly...used cocoa instead of cinnamon and margarine instead of butter. Most people will probably prefer to use butter but I really don't like the taste of butter so I usually  substitute.

450 gm flour
a pinch of salt
180 ml lukewarm milk
1 1/2 teaspoon active dry  yeast
45 gm melted margarine
2 egg yolks 
1 1/2 tbsp sugar

30 gm melted margarine
50 gm sugar 
1 tbsp cocoa

Mix the yeast with the lukewarm milk and sugar and let it sit a few minutes. Put the flour and salt in a bowl and make a well in the centre. Add yeast mixture, egg yolk and melted margarine. Knead for about 10 minutes.

Roll into a ball and put into a bowl. Cover and leave in a warm place to double in size. 
Preheat oven to 200 degrees C. 

Roll dough on surfaced dusted with flour to about 1mm thickness. Mix cocoa and sugar. Brush melted margarine over dough and then sprinkle with sugar/cocoa mixture. Roll up your dough. 

Follow the photo tutorial HERE for a really nice way to shape you Kringel. You can brush the top of your Kringel with some melted margarine and a little sugar if you want. I prefer less sugar and less margarine in my cakes so I leave this step off.

Bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees C and then reduce the oven to 180 degrees for about another 20 minutes.

Ok…the shape isn't perfect…that rolling twisting business takes a bit of practice…but the dough tastes great…and next time I want to replace the cocoa and sugar filling with melted chocolate mixed with melted margarine for a stronger flavour and moister texture.

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